- couch potato
- вялый, безинициативный человек (особенно тот, кто проводит много времени у телевизора)
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Couch-Potato — (aus dem US amerikanischen Slang) ist das Klischee einer Person, die einen Großteil ihrer Freizeit auf einem Sofa oder einem Sessel mit fernsehen, Junk Food essen und Bier trinken verbringt. Der Begriff hat eine negative Konnotation. Zu diesem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Couch-Potato — Couch Po|ta|to, Couch|po|ta|to [ ka̮ut̮ʃpəteɪtoʊ ], die; , es […toʊs] [engl. couch potato, aus: couch ↑ (Couch) u. potato = Kartoffel] (salopp): jmd., der sich nicht sportlich betätigt, sondern vorwiegend [fernsehend] auf der Couch sitzt od.… … Universal-Lexikon
couch potato — A couch potato is an extremely idle or lazy person who chooses to spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food … The small dictionary of idiomes
couch potato — couch potatoes N COUNT (disapproval) A couch potato is someone who spends most of their time watching television and does not exercise or have any interesting hobbies. [INFORMAL] ...couch potatoes flicking through endless satellite TV channels … English dictionary
couch potato — [n] inactive person bystander, goof off*, idler, laggard, lazy person, loafer, lotuseater*, lounger, observer, slouch, sluggard, spectator, televiewer*, TV viewer, viewer; concept 423 … New thesaurus
couch potato — ► NOUN informal ▪ a person who spends a great deal of time watching television … English terms dictionary
couch potato — ☆ couch potato n. Slang a chronic television viewer … English World dictionary
Couch potato — A couch potato is a person who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch. This stereotype often refers to a lazy and overweight person who watches a lot of television. Generally speaking, the term refers to a lifestyle in… … Wikipedia
couch potato — {n.} A person who is addicted to watching television all day. * /Poor Ted has become such a couch potato that we can t persuade him to do anything./ … Dictionary of American idioms
couch potato — {n.} A person who is addicted to watching television all day. * /Poor Ted has become such a couch potato that we can t persuade him to do anything./ … Dictionary of American idioms
couch potato — A couch potato is an extremely idle or lazy person who chooses to spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you refer to someone as a… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions